Network Glass & Jason Crumer - Prerequisite CD

Network Glass & Jason Crumer - Prerequisite CD

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Prerequisite is the first collaboration between Network Glass and
Jason Crumer.

Developed from an adaptation of John Cage’s “Fontana Mix,” came a
long brewing but unlikely marriage of contrasting attitudes and
approaches to sound work. Through the vocabulary of modern noise into
the ether of the distorted and fucked, hours of source material were
shaped into a concentrated six piece album. Years of friendship,
foehood, shit talk and gushing led to this auditory thesis on the
state and history of noise.

On “Prerequisite" the olde folk theory "Incapacitants are just
distorted fontana mix" gets tested and proven very right and very
wrong. Don't worry, noise can take it. A modern look at
America's great noise Prerequisite.

Label: Misanthropic Agenda

Genre: Experimental, Noise

Released: 2022